its a result of "hiking" in orchard, or that's what we call it.
the bored souls featured today, namely EMMA, ASHLEY and KAIYING decided to have a shopping trip at ORCHARD ROAD today!
met ashley at simei mrt at 1245 and met up with kaiying at somerset mrt station!
Kaiying! your bag is okay! :D
hokay, i don't like the seveneleven auntie! D:
she gave me the hotties chips thing in a SMALL BIG GULP cup. tell me, who eats those from a BIG GULP cup .__.
well, whatever. we first hiked to SUBWAY at cineleisure!
since ashley had been complaining about her empty stomach since forever, we settled for lunch there, after failed attempts to find a toilet there *gives frustrated look*
shared a footlong COLDCUTTRIO with kaiying! with oatmeal raisin and white macadamia chocs and pinklemonade snapple!
ofcourse i have my special orders!
EXTRA olives, NO onions, EXTRA tomatoes! :D
we hate onions, like ewwwww! D:
ashley had lettuces .__. only.
talked about many stuff, and we are all eventually afraid of loneliness and blindness! D:
i'd rather die than be blind, seriously.
why does my blog entry sound so boring? D:
next stop! HEEREN!
i didn't break any couples today! :D
as very good friends that care about the welfare of our fellow exclassmate cum hangout mate, kaiying and i persuaded ashley NOT to buy that emo horse bag she's been wanting since 10000 years ago!
good choice, since ashley got her nice blue and purple ROOSTER BRAND bag. haha.
i'm amused with ROOSTER BRAND!
ash on the phone with mom: "i want to buy that lecoqsportive bag. pink and white"
mom: "abcdefghijk, lecoq what?"
ash: "the rooster brand la!"
LOL. actually that's what my brother calls it too!
fancy paying so much to have a rooster on you ^^
well, back to the topic.
kaiying bought her billabong flipflops too cause she's wearing something she doesn't like lol,
we spent some time being evil mates, showing her to many flipflop shops that sell them cheaper than the one she bought haha! nevermind, num flipflops cost like 40 bucks, really makes a person wonder why they're so expensive o.O
gee, where did we go next?
TAKA. i bought a PRETZEL!
first one i've eaten, its HEAVENLY.
the sugary coating goes so well with the strong cinnamon taste, and you've got yourself a raisin on almost every bite!
the pretzel's really soft and ugh, i'm lazy to describe it, its just right for my taste ^^
grab one from auntie anne's at 3.10 i swear you won't regret taking one!
speaking about taka, we decided to have a try on these OSIM massaging machines,
since we were dead tired.
ohmy, don't we just LOVE those things?
sorry ashley, its close to impossible to get us out of these things that squeezes your leg muscles and all. you can really fall asleep on these things you know!

can i be lazy and skip parts!
so lets see, we were at popular's, ashley found her love -- new moon.
that book with bloody feathers on it.
being an avid bookworm, she started to flip through the pages and got totally engrossed in the book. since kaiying and i couldn't find our waterbabies, and i started emo-ing for no reason, kaiying came out with an idea to prank ashley!
kaiying: "zzz, we can't find our waterbabies and ashley's like totallye engrossed in the book! i know! lets tell her we're at borders!"
emma: "hahaha okay! we'll hide and observe her from a distance!"
*hides behind printer boxes, our view just right to look at ashley flipping through the pages*
kaiying: "*calls ashley* ashley! we're at borders already, come find us there!"
ashley: "*over the phone, groans* HUHHHH, reallly? emmmmma!"
kaiying: "*passes phone to emma* eh, ashley wants to talk to you"
emma: "*takes phone*"
ashley: "emma! where are you all?"
emma: "*tries to control laughter and is successful* HUH, BORDERS! you come find us okay! "
ashley: "HUHHHH, okay *mumbles*
we waited for her to walk out of popular.*and then we laugh*
emma comes out with a plan!
[you shall find out hahahaha~]
when she's out of sight..
5 minutes later..
[btw, borders is 5 mins walking distance from popular]
*kaiying's phone rings*
ashley: "ehhh, where are you all, i'm at borders already!"
emma: "HUH popular what OMG! i thought you said you staying at popular then we come find you?
ashley: "HUH really meh..."
kaiying: "yar...aiyar you come popular find us okay!"
ashley: "HUHH I WALK ALL THE WAY THERE, you all come find me la"
emma: "come find us laaaa :D"
ashley: "*groans* URGHHHHH, k don't move hor!!"
emma: 'hahaha, okay!"
*we look for a hiding place and wait for ashley to pass by and SNAPPED this photo :D*

well, that meant she reached before us, HAHA.
*ashley reaches popular*
ashley: "aye, i'm at popular! where are you all!"
kaiying: "hur, we're at shaw plaza!"
ashley: "HUR WHERE THE HELL IS SHAW?!??!!"
emma: "opposite borders! come find us okay!"
emma: "huh yah..."
kaiying: "we're at shaw second storey!"
emma: "yeahh..come find us okay!"
ashley" *sounds very pissed* URGHHHHHHH k whatever"
*kaiying decides to be nice*
kaiying: "okay lar, we come popular find you"
*phone rings again*
ashley: "where are you all? i'm at shaw!"
apparently she didn't get the message about us going to popular to find her.
so she went shaw to find us. oO we weren't there in the first place xD
anyway ashley, awww
emma: "hur! we said meet you at popular what?"
ashley: "*pissed* WHAT. k....."
and so we reachedpopular first!
*ashley calls*
ashley: "where are you all?"
kaiying: "popular"
ashley: "where"
emma: "entrance"
ashley: "k"
*ashley comes and points at herself*
ashley: "*NOT over phone* do i love wet -.-"
kaiying: "uhh yes, only the top"
emma: "uhh yes, abit"
kaiying and emma: "ASHLEY YOU OKAY NOT?" *feels sorry*
so we set off for shaw for good food ^^
*on our way*
i sms kaiying: ehh, are we telling her?
kaiying replies: huh, no la
i reply: huh then when we telling
kaiying replies: you blog about it then let her HUANG RAN DA WU
so that's how this entry came about.
then i start LAUGHING.
ashley: "-___- what's wrong with her?"
kaiying: "*pretends to not know* yah la.."
emma: "cause my mom wants me to go home NOW"
ashley: "SERIOUS...." [it was 3 then, btw]
emma: "yahhh, whatever, i go home at 7 la"
kaiying whispers to emma: "very good excuse........."
well, continuing about our food.
ashley chose peppergrilled chicken wings, i chose shark's fin [not real shark's fin, i don't kill sharks!], kaiying chose sesame icecream!
we shared the food yum :D and i folded a purple heart for ashley, ashley you angry after reading this?
the remaining chicken wings for mrpoh!
walked towards centrepoint.
on the way, walked past the sexshop -__-
we wonder what will happen if we enter...
somebody tell us! D:
anyway, went into a shopping centre,
i applied make up on kaiying, she rubbed it off with the shop's makeup remover
shopkeeper: "yes, may i help you?"
kaiying: "uhh, nope, my friend just put make up on me"
ashley: "lets leave this place -____-"
and then we went to centrepoint!
i swear our feet hurt! D:
ashley took long to find her bag, and almost bought the pink and white ROOSTER BRAND one.
well, her mom said there was 30% off at bugis wallet shop so they were going there later.
while ashley talks to mom over phone..
that's kaiying's new flipflops and my shoepumps that made me DIE.
walked out of shop and went into another shop with shoes -.-
haha WHEEEEE! why does the shoe look so big on me -.-||||
nope, we didn't buy it, plus the fact that i put on my plasters there,
the shopkeeper stared at us, but nevermind.
walked out of shop, wasted their time by going to marks and spencer and ended up not buying anything cause i realised my mom has a 50 dollar voucher there -.-
took train, they got off at bugis and i, at tampines.
home sweet home
anyway, we all had a WONDERFUL DAY! :DDDDDDD
kaiying: whee let's go out tmr!
{wheeeee we've already gone out! TODAY WAS FUN! sorry for emoing just now D:}
terie: i... u can go visit my blog(:
{HELLOOO you're welcome! :D help me say hi to yoz, MOVIE MARATHON okay!}
{everybody screwed up rarrrr! D: gl for tmr!}
ada`: HEY EMMA

{HEY ADADADADA! :DDDDDD how's your exams aye!}
anqi: heylos mama! long time no tag! (X
{helloo qiqi! yup long time aye, how's your exmas!}
Liu: i am here once again! hi sister in law in the past xD i still enjoy calling u that LOL
{hahaha HELLO REN YAO! okay, bro in law in the PAST. aiyo you're a ball! D: okay, thanks for enjoying LOL .__.}
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